Some interesting things I read lately that I don’t really know what to do with but might be interesting to look back on.

68 bits of advice from Kevin Kelly – some good ones in there and definitely worth a look every now and then.

Considering tonights Bojo bullshit press announcement it’ll be interesting to see how the post, Invisible Enemy, about Covid-19 ages. This in particular makes a lot of sense to me: “if the overwhelming majority of experts on the topic think we should do all we can to prevent the spread of Covid-19, it’s crazy not to listen to them.”

Daniel Radcliffes Desert Island Disc was interesting and enjoyable. He seems like a decent dude so positive vibes to him.

Semaphore, a privacy gadget built on Ethereum feels stuck to the back of my mind! I don’t fully get it but feel like there’s something there that’s going to be valuable/useful someday.

NFT Art – I like art, the idea of collecting art and crypto so NFT/Digital art seems like an obvious interest point. Tried a bid on SuperRare for this piece which I liked but I lost :(. I really like Trevor Jones stuff and it was cool to see his Bull go for > $10k!

I’ve had Justin Kans post about Feeling Good saved for ages now as it coincided with me stopping drinking and it gave me some inspiration. Been well over 1 year now so feel I can keep it here if required.

Eth2.0 Staking on test net is a hot topic in general at the moment and I’ve been tempted to get involved. Trying to decide best approach hardware wise at the moment and this post had some useful info. I’m feeling pulled towards setting up a PI 4 but have a few concerns that’s stopping me going for it so far.

Some interesting info on using Echidna on to find high Eth gas cost transactions.

The Beastie Boys Story – this should be worth a watch!

Photo by Road Trip with Raj on Unsplash