β‚Ώ A from-scratch tour of Bitcoin in Python – create, digitally sign, and broadcast a Bitcoin transaction in pure Python, from scratch, and with zero dependencies.

Computer scientist Leonard Adleman on – Choosing the right problem to work on 🧘

🧠 Booby Trapping the Ethereum Blockchain – Samczun again, amazing.

How to Die with Zero – This book is not about making your money grow β€” it’s about making your life grow πŸ€”

🧰 Local ERC20 Balance Manipulation (with HardHat) – unlocks the ability to manipulate the state of any forked contract.

Capitalism: You Wouldn’t Trade it for Anything – Interesting thoughts πŸ’‘

πŸ‹οΈβ€β™‚οΈ How Much Ya Bench? Strength Benchmarks for Men

Automating Code Changes via GitHub Actions Making Pull Requests – Could be handy some time 🦿

πŸ› οΈ Smok – Contract mocking in JavaScript

πŸ€ͺ Pretty wacky story about Ian Freeman that’s worth a read

Eye opening look at defi “bluechip” performance over last year, denominated in ETH 😲

πŸ› Debugging the Comp hack with Dapptools

Punk6529 on Making It 😎

Thought provoking reasons to retire as soon as possible from this post by esimoney πŸ’”

Unbeatable Video Games – I like this and it echoes thoughts I had after watching Competitive Dog Grooming and I kind of wish I had something like that πŸ’­

A depth year is a cool idea! πŸ‘·

Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash