Market-Protocol Fit – describes some of how Balancer ⚖️ are approaching things. It’s a whole new world!
👨🏫 Etsy’s Journey to TypeScript – trying to improve my Typescript as much as possible and there’s some interesting stuff here.
⏱️ Just-in-time Liquidity – pretty interesting MEV attack. Random idea – could this be a type of exchange where users get a better price and “LPs” rebalance?
Cool tool 🧰: eth-sdk, provide the address of the contract you want to interact with and it will pull down abi from Etherscan API and create Typescript and Ethers instances.
📺 How to make hard choices – worth a watch. Drifting…
This guy has some awesome NFT displays and a guide! 🖼️
️️️⏪ Replaying a transaction (from its hash ️️️) to get a revert reason. (Needs an archive node)
Flickr Engineering Team Vision & Guiding Principles – some good examples for how I should approach things. ✔️
🎵 Watched some of the Beatles Get Back doc and it showed how powerful it is when people truly work together. Fred Wilson said it better than I can!
💹 Ming Zhao on Twitter has some really good TLDR threads on more advanced finance stuff. Like this 12 Crypto Hedge Fund Trading Strategies.
Damn – Cobie is fast becoming one of my crypto heroes and his Substack is really good! 🔥
6 figures a day 🤑 selling Excel courses – meet Miss Excel
🍴 Tenderly forking end point – super useful for building/testing.
The Nothingness Of Money – no one knows where the finish line is, so be present and enjoy the journey! 🧘
🦄 Dune is one of the companies I always had a feeling would do well – from nobody to unicorn in 3 years shares their inspiring story so far.
The Crazy Idea Framework 🤪 sounds like an interesting one to try for investing.
How People Think, Morgan Housel 🧙♂️ is one of the best and this feels like it should be read every week as a reminder!
🌺 Bloom Filters are cool! Here’s an interesting thread on how Lens protocol is using them.
Pretty interesting negotiation advice – already feel like I’m constantly negotating with my 2 year old 👼
😎 This post about Alan Kay and his inventions is just really cool.
Quality of life vs quantity – makes you think 🤔
Death by PowerPoint: the slide that killed seven people – puts boring PowerPoints into a whole new perspective. 😥
😨 Shadow of the Sun – this is just brutal. Some of the descriptions are my idea of hell I think.